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What kind of Eggs have the Best Nutrition for your Family?

Read this and take the confusion out of buying eggs! It can feel like you need a dictionary or a Google Map to make it through the egg isle these days at the grocery store. There has never been more choice; and the nuanced differences between the eggs you will bring home. Nest-laid? Free-range? Omega-3 fortified? Why do they even […]

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What should my kids eat? An age-by-age guide

Feeding your children doesn’t need to be complicated but it does vary from age to age. From children’s first bites of solid food to toddlerhood and beyond, parents can follow a few key tips to help them provide ample nutrition and an enjoyable mealtime experience for everyone in the family. The most important factor regardless of age is to establish […]

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Is my toddler eating enough?

As your child grows, changes and develops from a baby to a toddler, their food preferences and nutritional needs also grow, change and develop. When a toddler’s appetite begins to wane or they refuse food or change their preferences, it isn’t just to make us worry. There are some distinct changes taking place that may make your toddler seem like […]

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What type of milk should children drink?

Many parents feel confused about which, if any, type of milk they should give their child. Is cow’s milk still a safe option? Is there a milk alternative that’s better? Oat, almond, soy, hemp and coconut milk are just some of the milk options in the ever-evolving world of dairy alternatives. While there are many ways to add calcium-rich foods […]

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What is the healthiest bread?

Bread options abound, but which one is the best? Fad diets and concerns about carbs and sugar have given bread a bad rap. And with so many options—whole wheat bread, rye bread, sourdough bread, oat bread, sprouted bread—it’s hard to know which one is the healthiest bread. And that’s just the beginning. There are flours to consider: white flour versus […]

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The Top 10 Food Myths I bust. Every. Dang. Week.

There’s too much information about nutrition, diet and healthy eating on social media and the internet at large. I say “too much” because a lot of it is false—not based on fact or science—even though it’s widely believed. Here are the top food myths I wade through when working with clients. Myth: Everyone needs eight cups of water per day. […]

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It’s okay if you want to lose weight

January is a month rife with weight-centric diet-culture BS. Companies prey on insecurities and perpetuate thoughts that if you were just thin, you would be happy/rich/problems-solved. This idea of new years resolutions and constant pattern of yo-yo dieting, restricting food short-term and then bingeing causes weight cycling, psychological and metabolic damage that can last forever.  All that said, you may […]

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Keep your Kids fueled for Organic Play all Day!

*This post was sponsored by Stonyfield Organic Yogurts Hey parents, you have no doubt been doing more activities than EVER with your kids in these past 6 months with the global pandemic. When play is squeezed in between ZOOM calls, homeschooling and running a household, it can feel overwhelming if we try to control it too much; it’s much better […]

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