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Food and Mood: Making (And Keeping) Spirits Bright!

The holidays are a magical time… Snow, lights, decorations, beautifully wrapped gifts, parties… Oh, and endless shopping trips to find the presents that Santa promised your kids, slippery driving conditions, more crowded everything, keeping the house clean for visitors, preparing the perfect dishes to bring to the parties… the list goes on. Holidays can be a stressful time, especially for […]

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How much time do you spend staring down the endless wall of yogurt containers at the grocery store? There are so many different claims on them: Low fat! Probiotics to improve digestion! Taste kids love! But what do these claims mean, and what are the most important messages to focus on? Here are the 5 most important areas to focus […]

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3 ways to keep your kids hydrated this summer

Summer is here and it’s officially getting HOT HOT HOT outside. This time of year means more kids are spending more time running, jumping and playing outside, and it also means we as parents have to be even more on top of keeping our kids hydrated. The right amount of water is crucial for both children and adults because it […]

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Everything you Ever Wanted to Know about Baby-Led Weaning

Baby-led weaning – I bet you hear this phrase at least once a day in your life as a new or soon-to-be parent! “Baby-Led Weaning” seems to be a trendy new catch-phrase in parenting groups articles, but it’s actually not a new concept at all! So what exactly is baby-led weaning? And is it the best way to feed a baby anyways? Find […]

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Top 5 Most Important Family Eating Behaviours

Why is family nutrition so important? Because to have vibrant family, all members need to work together!  While your schedules and choices may vary, it IS possible to have the whole family eating in a very synchronized way. The way the whole family behaves around food and eating is key to having children who are nourished and have positive and […]

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5 Powerful Brain-Boosting Foods for Your Baby

Nutrition is the key to boosting brain health for kids, but many Canadian families don’t know which foods to choose.  As parents we want our children to thrive at school, to love learning and have the best options available to them. This list will focus on 5 powerful foods for your child’s brain that won’t break the bank and that are available […]

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Milk Battles

Many families are confused about which, if ANY, milk they should give their child. Is dairy really all that bad? Are the alternatives even better?  Almond, soy coconut, hemp – there are so many options in the ever-evolving world of alternative milks. There are many ways to get calcium-rich foods in the diet, but a milk-type drink is a common […]

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PLEASE Don’t Call Your Child a ‘Picky Eater’

9 Ways to Help a Challenging Eater Improve their Dietary Variety Would you call your child a “picky eater?” I can say this is a phrase that I hear a lot… and its usually followed by “le sigh” and a quip about “h/she hates vegetables” or “all s/he will eat is yogurt and pasta”. I commonly see parents in my […]

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Let’s talk about “Clean Eating”

Everyone seems to be talking about “eating clean.” I hear about it from clients, from advertising, and across social media platforms. But what does “eating clean” actually mean? And if you aren’t eating “clean” is the implication is that what you’re eating is “dirty”? As a Dietitian, I’m always respectful of people’s beliefs and their desire to eat in a […]

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Every Registered Dietitian Is a Nutritionist, but Not Every Nutritionist Is a Registered Dietitian

Perhaps when you think of wellness and lifestyle and health, you think of the word “nutrition” instead of “diet or dietitian”….that’s positive in some way! Mental and physical health is inextricably linked to nutrition….however what is the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist then? And why would you want to go see a dietitian compared to a nutritionist? Because…. […]

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