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Archives during: March 2017

5 Powerful Brain-Boosting Foods for Your Baby

Nutrition is the key to boosting brain health for kids, but many Canadian families don’t know which foods to choose.  As parents we want our children to thrive at school, to love learning and have the best options available to them. This list will focus on 5 powerful foods for your child’s brain that won’t break the bank and that are available […]


Milk Battles

Many families are confused about which, if ANY, milk they should give their child. Is dairy really all that bad? Are the alternatives even better?  Almond, soy coconut, hemp – there are so many options in the ever-evolving world of alternative milks. There are many ways to get calcium-rich foods in the diet, but a milk-type drink is a common […]


PLEASE Don’t Call Your Child a ‘Picky Eater’

9 Ways to Help a Challenging Eater Improve their Dietary Variety Would you call your child a “picky eater?” I can say this is a phrase that I hear a lot… and its usually followed by “le sigh” and a quip about “h/she hates vegetables” or “all s/he will eat is yogurt and pasta”. I commonly see parents in my […]